Shrehan Das
Hi! Shrehan Das
I am a
I’m a developer and here is my portfolio website. Here you’ll learn about my journey as a developer.
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It is a Password-Generator. You can generate Random Password by clicking the checkboxes. Such as Uppercas,lowercase,Numbers,Symbols...



A Weather-App where u can see weather deatils of your location. You may also search weather of differnet locations



A Website for playing Tic-Tac-toe.



A detective website where you can search a git hub account by just givving the username u can see the details such as location twitter any self website link and further details..


Me and
MyTech Stack

Hi Everyone My name is Shrehan I am a Web Developer I have been learning web development from 1.5 Years and I am eager to work with Companies to do projects and learn more things. Currently I am learning NodeJs and UI/UX designing for making beautiful websites.

I am Pursuing B.TEch in CSE from Netaji Subhash Enginnering College Kolkata.

Thanks!! For reading my About me Section...

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